Frequently Asked Questions


  • I work with people who are seeking personalized educational journeys for themselves or their children. I work with homeschoolers, unschoolers, and those pursuing alternative or eclectic educational paths. I help students explore their interests, strengths, and goals to design & document personalized educational journeys, and to find the best fit options after high school - whether traditional, alternative, or online. 

  • Being a member of IECA means I adhere to high standards of ethics, experience, and professional development. I am part of an extensive network of educational consultants, which allows me to keep up with current trends. If a family needs assistance outside my speciality, I can reach out to other professionals to see who can help. Here are some questions to ask before hiring an IEC

  • Independent educational consultants (IECs) help guide students and families who are seeking educational options that meet their needs. Depending on the ages and needs of the students they work with, IECs may help find K-12 schools, colleges, gap years, graduate schools, or therapeutic schools. 

    When working with a homeschooled student who wants to apply to college, as an IEC I help guide the student and their family during the search, application, and selection process. I work with each student individually to discover their interests and support them in taking ownership of their educational journey.

  • Look for IEC who are members of organizations like IECA that require adhering to a code of ethics, who visit colleges, and continue to learn about trends in education. Be wary of explicit guarantees or unrealistic promises. Members of IECA adhere to Principles of Good Practice. Also, check out these 12 warning signs to be sure you're hiring an ethical and experienced consultant.

  • Yes, I offer some flexible payment options to meet different budgets and needs. If your family is facing financial challenges, I encourage you to contact me about available sliding scale or pro bono services. Scholarships may be available.

    Are you part of a homeschool group? I can support multiple students at a group rate.

    Book a free Discovery Call and we'll discuss your needs.

  • As a parent who homeschooled her three children, all of whom had different interests, I have lots of personal experience. Before doing this professionally, I led two homeschool cooperatives and helped many other families. I'm a lifelong learner about learning - always learning about new homeschool options and resources. I have helped many students pursue interests outside the typical classroom through personalized learning, online schools, internships, and more.

  • Yes, I am a member of IECA, NACAC, and other associations that keep me informed of the latest options and requirements to best serve my clients. View my credentials here.

  • Not a problem - I work on Zoom so we can share screens and you don’t have to drive to my office. We'll also ensure you're keeping up with requirements and taking advantage of options in your own state.

  • The 12-hour package is customizable, and how we spend the time will depend on your goals. 

    • For new homeschooling families, it often takes 6 or more hours to create a plan for homeschooling. That includes review of all the records you have, getting to know you and your child through questionnaires and discussions, and discussing options. The remaining hours are often used for periodic check-ins, assistance communicating with tutors, and adjusting the plan when needed. 

    • For homeschooling during high school, it’s important to consider both how the student will complete the requirements for high school graduation and how they will gain the skills and knowledge to prepare them for whatever they may plan to do next. It’s also important to discuss how parents can keep records to prepare to document the completion of high school.

    • For college application support, I provide an overview list of all the topics that students & families need to understand as well as the steps required to prepare and submit applications. Then we focus on the information & support your family needs. Such support often includes guidance on writing a personal statement and supplemental essays, creating homeschool documentation, identifying important deadlines, and understanding the vocabulary of college admissions. 

  • I completely understand. This is why I offer the starter package of up to 12 hours (with the option to expand later). This allows families to choose just the help they need. I keep a running record of my hours so we’ll both be aware of how much time has been spent.

  • I’m glad you are approaching this thoughtfully, and I recognize that this is an investment. I haven’t had any families unhappy with the results of their investment, and want to keep that record! If you would like, you could sign up for one prepaid Strategy Session, and then decide afterward if you want to begin the 12-hour service.

    In the unlikely event that an admissions officer has questions about homeschool documentation that I’ve assisted with, my clients are encouraged to reach out to me; time spent sharing this information with me and discussing how to address the questions will be at no charge. To date, no one has had anyone question the documents I’ve assisted with.

  • Start by filling out the forms I'll send you, which cover details like contact information, your student's learning history, family goals, and any parameters I should know. These give me insight to best understand your situation and unique needs.

    I will also create a shared Google Drive folder where you can upload any relevant documents about their education and learning, such as homeschool records, report cards, IEPs or 504s, and any educational or neuropsychological assessments that may have been done. Samples of your child's work (if available) are also welcome. Documents such as these will help me gain a thorough understanding of your child's previous experiences before we meet. 

    The more information I have going into our initial consultation, the more targeted and useful our discussion can be. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. I look forward to learning more about your unique situation and helping you determine the best path forward for your child's education. 

  • My process is personalized. We begin by discussing your needs, goals, and timeline. Together we determine how often to meet to address the immediate concerns, and how I can provide ongoing support. Then, I provide blocks of hours you can use to develop transcripts, describe learning experiences, edit applications, and answer questions. I provide a checklist of typical topics to ensure we cover everything necessary.

  • It depends on your situation and timeline. When there are required homeschool documentation or applications to create,  we identify all relevant deadlines and work backward to establish a schedule. I'm flexible and aim to provide enough turnaround time while being transparent that last-minute requests may take time to accommodate. We focus on developing the best documentation and applications within a realistic timeline.

  • My Personalized Educational Planning & Mentoring package is customizable, so whether your child is of kindergarten age or ready to apply to college, this ongoing support is available to your family. If you are only seeking Homeschool Documentation for school or college applications, for example, I offer a service for parents. If you have questions when selecting the best fit for your situation, book a free discovery call and I can support you with this.

  • The schedule of meetings, and the amount of work you’d like done outside of meetings, are flexible. We will work to create a meeting schedule that supports your goals.

College FAQ

  • Absolutely! Many colleges are excited to review homeschool applications. Homeschoolers often know how to manage their time and work independently, which can be to their advantage. You must show that what you have learned meets admissions requirements and exceeds the minimums for more selective colleges.

  • Consider your child's interests and goals. Are they ready for the demands of college? Would they rather launch their own business, work for someone else, learn on the job, or take a gap year to further develop study or life skills? You may want to discuss such options with your child!  Documenting your child's education will keep future options open.

  • Yes! Some employers require proof of a high school education.

  • Creating transcripts and other documents that accurately represent your student's education and achievements can be challenging. I provide templates and guidance to help you produce the necessary documents, including a transcript, course descriptions, a portfolio or program of studies, school profile (a homeschool profile!), and course descriptions. I also offer document reviewing services to assist in this process.

  • Absolutely! I've helped many unschooling families translate their child's unique learning journey into academic terms. As a parent who followed unschooling principles, I understand the value of child-led learning and actively supporting all paths. I can help you describe your child's self-directed studies, independent projects, and breadth of knowledge in academic terms that will be understood by educators.

  • Absolutely. I'll support your student throughout the process of determining what they need to present a solid application, help them learn how to research colleges, careers and majors, and guide them through thinking about what they need in a college so they can thrive.

  • Absolutely! That's the ideal. I advise and support students while letting them take the lead where they are comfortable, and help them understand when there is something new for them to learn. I’m also very happy to discuss how parents can participate meaningfully in the application process without letting it take over their relationship with their child.

  • Over 1,000 colleges accept the Common Application, which allows students and their counselors to fill out most information one time rather than once per college. Many colleges also have their own applications on their websites—some offer both options.

  • No, but I am happy to recommend study options, including free resources, group lessons, and individualized tutoring, to help your student prepare. I’ll also discuss the timeline for testing, and strategies for deciding which tests would be most appropriate for each student.

  • 12 hours is a good starting point for all students; additional consulting hours can be added based on you and your child’s specific needs. I provide an overview list of all the topics that students & families need to understand as well as the steps required to prepare and submit applications. My support often includes guidance on writing a personal statement and supplemental essays, creating homeschool documentation, identifying important deadlines, and understanding the vocabulary of college admissions. My process provides the structure, accountability, and expert advice to supplement your efforts as an education advocate for your child. Let's discuss how I can help your student thrive!

  • Homeschooled students invite their parents to be their counselor on the Common App, at which point the parent can sign up for an account. I have created a 12-page document that walks you through every step of the counselor side of the Common App, with screenshots and recommendations for how you answer the questions. 

  • As we work through the college application process there will be several types of meetings. When helping a student with their writing, and addressing questions they have, I meet one-on-one with the student. Meetings about the counselor recommendation letter are with the parents who write those. Other meetings may be with the family or just a parent or parents as appropriate.

  • This is a great question. To prepare for college applications, some students are ready to start researching colleges in sophomore year; others aren’t ready until they are juniors, or even later. For many students, the summer before senior year is a great time to work on college applications so they don't get in the way of academic year work. Some families don’t realize in advance how much time the application work will take, so they don’t start until fall of senior year. Regardless of when you and your student decide to start the application process, I do not charge a rush fee.

  • Absolutely not! I have found that families almost always have questions after the applications are submitted. Homeschooling parents have mid-year and final reports to file, for example. Additionally, once a student is accepted, families often have questions about financial aid offers, next steps, and deciding between colleges. We can also discuss how to prepare for college.

  • There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to this question, but there are some general guidelines. To prepare for college applications, some students are ready to start learning about colleges in sophomore year; others aren’t ready until they are juniors, or even later. Applications typically open the summer before the new applicants would start college. For students who go from high school to college, this means the summer before senior year is a great time to work on college applications so they can focus, and so application work doesn’t get in the way of academic year work. 

Homeschool Support FAQ

  • Every student has unique needs, interests, and goals. Because families are all different and I take that into account, I need to learn about families & students. I consider your child as an individual so I can recommend approaches to homeschooling that best fit their specific needs and learning style. Instead of an all-in-one curriculum, I'll work with you to design a tailored plan based on your student's interests, strengths, and needs. My focus is on helping you provide learning opportunities that together will create a well-rounded education and prepare your child for their goals.

  • Homeschooling isn’t one-size-fits all so it depends on what you and your family need. I recommend you find the support that’s best for you. You’re welcome to book a free Discovery Call with me to determine if you’d like my ongoing support. My Personalized Educational Planning & Mentoring service is customizable to your needs. I also invite you to read this article that I wrote “7 Things to Know When Considering Homeschooling”.

  • My role is to help design the educational journey that will work best for your child and family. I will help you consider a variety of options, rather than limit your choice to a prebuilt curriculum that recreates school at home. Together we'll create a personalized learning plan that incorporates your student's interests, strengths, and future goals.

  • I help families incorporate core subjects, electives, extracurricular activities, and skills development into a tailored learning plan while taking into account your child’s unique journey and regional laws and requirements. For parents who are considering homeschooling high school, I can help you understand the expectations for a standard or college-prep diploma, what material should be covered, how to assign grades, and how to document the level of work your student produces. I can also discuss with you the options for standardized tests, both for future applications and for documentation of the level of work your student does. We can work together with your student to create a personalized education plan that allows your student to delve deeply into their interests while also gaining general knowledge and skills.

  • Absolutely! While moving from school to homeschool might be easier in the summer, it’s possible to do at any time. When circumstances require withdrawing from school in the middle of a school year, I’ve helped families determine how students can build on progress they made while in school rather than repeat classes from the beginning. For parents considering homeschooling high school, we can work with your student to create a personalized education plan that allows your student to delve deeply into their interests while also gaining general knowledge and skills. Learn more about Homeschool Guidance here.

  • As soon as you are ready! If you’re considering homeschooling and want to ask questions while you make your decision, schedule a Strategy Session so we can discuss your situation, determine if homeschooling is the right choice, and create an action plan. Similarly, if you’re already homeschooling and are looking ahead to the future, you can schedule a Discovery Call if you’re ready for ongoing support, or a Strategy Session if you’d like advice for how you can be sure you’re prepared, and that you’re saving all the documentation you’ll need. Starting early makes the process easier! 

  • Absolutely. I have helped students in many states and work to stay up-to-date with regulations. Learn more about Homeschool Support here.

  • Yes! Homeschool students have attended all kinds of colleges, universities, and trade schools. I can guide you in preparing transcripts, securing recommendations, and applying to schools that match your student's needs and goals.

  • While college is one option, I recognize there are many paths after high school. I help document your child's education to meet the requirements for trade schools, certifications, apprenticeships, or future jobs. Having this documentation can benefit them down the road. My services are flexible - I will focus on your specific needs, intentionally not pushing any one path.

  • This depends on the student. Parents who don’t want to push too soon also don’t want to leave the question too late. Home educating adults can start thinking about college requirements in 8th grade so your student will be prepared, and then start the discussion when your student is ready. Applications typically open the summer before senior year, and many recommend finalizing applications by then. I provide a downloadable timeline here to keep you on track.